Welcome to Pride Lacrosse!

Spring 2025 Season

Practices start in February.

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What Are The Differences At Each Age Level?

8U: The primary goal is development and fun. We strive to teach basic individual skills and team concepts for beginning players.

Having fun while learning the fundamentals of lacrosse is the priority at this level.

All girls are given equal playing time regardless of skill.

There is no score keeping at this level.

10U: Continued individual development along with basic elements of offensive and defensive team play.

All girls are given equal playing time regardless of skill and experience.

While score is kept and teams are ranked, the primary goal is to develop skills and the love for the game.

12U: At this level, we will help the girls understand the tryout process and prepare them for high school lacrosse.

Girls continue to develop as they start to work on next level lacrosse, including checking, passing, defense formation, offensive plays. Beginning players welcome.

Playing time can be dependent on practice and game attendance/participation.

Team weighting: As a result of the player evaluations, an A team and equal B teams may be formed.

14U: An extension of what girls have learned, preparing them for lacrosse at the next level in high school.

We will continue to develop their Lacrosse IQ. Beginning players welcome.

Playing time can be dependent on practice and game attendance/participation.

Team weighting: As a result of the player evaluations, an A team and equal B teams may be formed.

Thanks to Our Sponsors